It’s not just about putting on good Alumni Football Games. It’s about putting great ones on. We’re working hard to make this site better all the time. Every week, I spend hours researching better ways to make this easier for you, the customer. Here’s a list of things we just did:

Created a much more graphical way to FIND A GAME! Look for the new big blue button on the front page that says “PLAYER REGISTRATION”
Add Quick School Links for games we are currently working on so that you don’t even have to go through the click by click. We’re just sorry we couldn’t do it for everyone. We do promise that if your school starts to build, we will add you to the list.
Added a Current Player List to show others who has signed up. For example, check out the latest Galt High School List in Galt, CA. That is after one day of activity. Nice work fellas!
Added a new Video that really demonstrates the fun that you will be either having or missing out on when you make a choice on alumni football.
Added a much simpler Event Videos button to make it easier to preview, purchase and download game videos.
Made it easier to LIKE US on Facebook by providing a big BLUE Button on the front page with a direct link to our new Gridiron Alumni Facebook Page.
So, we’re not just sitting on our laurels (who says that these days?). We are actively seeking a better way for all of you. Stay tuned for a list of things that we are looking forward to in the next few weeks. Here’s a quick preview:

Creating YouTube Highlight videos for all of our games so far this year.
Creating an MVP package for players who sign up and pre-pay at the meeting or on the website. DETAILS TO COME, but this is an exciting one.
Implementing, for the very first time, the ability for fans to purchase tickets to each game on our site! Should be up and running by mid August.