For many of you, Gridiron Alumni Football was an awakening. Many people have asked me how they can raise money for their alma mater. I have compiled a list of great fundraisers that can be both fun and profitable. Some are my idea and some are taken from other schools. Feel free to use them all and get back to me with feedback. If you have another great suggestion, don’t hesitate to contact us and maybe we’ll include it in our next update.
#5 Great Fundraising Idea: Adults Only Prom
The saying goes that “Youth is wasted on the young!” Why are proms only for kids? Put on an Adults Only Prom. After toiling with dirty laundry and messy kids all day, women love to dress up and get all gorgeous. The entry cost on this is really low. All you need to do is find a gym and a DJ. You might be able to get both for free. Find some local sponsors to help pay for the decorations. This can be a very fun and profitable way of earning money for the schools and making your girl happy. Tuxedos not required!
#4 Great Fundraising Idea: Alumni Softball Tournament
This is not a new thing, but done right, can yield thousands of dollars in revenue. The key to this is sponsors and beer. Because it is an alumni game, most folks will make the mistake of having it at the high school, where they can get the field for free. In Houma, LA, they rent a local recreation field and do beer sales. According to Terry Gold, South Terrebonne Alumni, the majority of the money raised is from the beer sales. Don’t miss out on a huge opportunity. What could be more fun than an alumni softball tournament with some good eats and beer?
#3 Great Fundraising Idea: Alumni Golf Tournament
Pretty much the same thing, but with golf. Most golf courses will give you a bulk discount on green’s fees. Just make sure to have an “after-party” somewhere really close where you can sell food and beer. The golf course can provide those things, but if you stay at the course, make sure they are willing to donate some of those proceeds to the cause. If not, take your part off the course where you can raise some more funds.
#2 Great Fundraising Idea: County Wide Poker Tournament
Texas Hold ’em is still a very popular game and many folks would love to play in a tournament. Have each school in the county find one or two local restaurants or bars to host the event. They will want to help because they will get increased business. Ask them to include the food in the tournament price. I suggest $100 per player with unlimited $50 re-buys in the first hour. Take the top 10 players from each tournament in the county and do a Tournament of Champions at a pre-determined restaurant/bar (aka BIG SPONSOR). Find local vendors to donate prizes for the Final Table. 90% or all proceeds can go to the schools and businesses will get patronage. Many will have a great time. (DISCLOSURE: Most states allow for charity poker tournaments, but you better check).
#1 Great Fundraising Idea: Steak Dinner Drawdown
This has got to be the most interesting and profitable idea I have heard while on the road. But don’t be fooled, it will take a lot of work to get it going the first year. The idea was explained to me by Will Warren of Pisgah High Alumni in Canton, NC. Some call it a reverse raffle. They print 300 raffle tickets, but they sell only 299 tickets for $100. he $100 includes one raffle ticket and 2 steak dinners at the raffle. The steak dinner is no joke either. They provide Ribeye steaks and all the trimmings. That alone is worth the price compared to some restaurants. The meal is a combination of donations and discounts from local vendors. At the raffle, the first ticket drawn is saved to the side until they are down to 9 tickets left. Every 3rd ticket receives a door prize (donated). Every 50th ticket gets $100 cash (their money back). Once they get down to the last 4 tickets, they run an auction on the last remaining ticket (Ticket #300). So any person at the dinner can bid their way into the Top 5. The Top 5 left are guaranteed a great door prize at the very least. Once the 5th ticket is sold, the Top 5 have a tough decision to make: Take $1000 each or go for it all. If they do not split, the 4th and 5th ticket get a great door prize, the 3rd ticket gets $500 cash, the 2nd ticket gets $1000 cash, and the final ticket wins $5000 cash. Will says they made over $60,000 this year on the auction after paying all the bills. It sounds like a win-win for everyone. Fun, food, and great prizes.
If you do use any of these suggestions, please go to our Facebook Page and let us know how it went. Happy fundraising!